Saturday 21 January 2017

How to Activate Google AdSense

Google AdSense enables you to display text and visual ads on your website. Through the program, page visits and ad clicks result in income to you. You can easily setup a Google AdSense account, but there are multiple steps before you can activate it and receive your earnings. Once you complete the activation, you can connect a bank account to Google AdSense and automatically receive your funds.

How to Activate Google AdSense

How to Activate Google AdSense

Account Setup

Sign up with Google AdSense through the official website (link in Resources). Before you can receive the ads on your website, you must have a completed Web page that Google can visit and approve. After signing up, verify your email address immediately. If you wait to verify your email address, the application won't get reviewed right away. Check your email every couple of days until Google has confirmed your account and application. Once it does, you can log in to the AdSense website.

Bank Verification

Once the account is set up, you need to verify your bank account. Click on the "Payments" tab and select "Payment Settings." Enter a checking account including the account number and routing number. Google will verify this by depositing a small amount into your account. Check your online balance or bank statements to find this amount. It may take up to two weeks before it's applied on your account. Once deposited, click on the "Verify Bank Account" link. Enter the amount, confirm it and your payment settings will be confirmed.

Tax Information

Google requires tax information to activate your account. Click on the "Tax" link at the top of the Payments page. Fill out the digital W-9 form that includes all your personal information. Type your name in the bottom box to confirm your digital signature. If you're uncomfortable giving this personal information online, go to the top of the page and click the "Print Form." Print it out and follow the mailing instructions.

Phone Call Verification

The final step in activating a Google AdSense account is through phone call verification. This process ensures that you have a legitimate phone number and Google can contact you if needed. Click on the "Verify Phone Number" link. Verify the correct phone number is listed and then press "Call Now." When you answer the phone, there will be a digital recording with a verification number. Enter that number in the box and press "Submit Phone Verification." Once complete, the account will be fully activated.

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